Expanding opportunities for underrepresented thought leaders

Who's missing in global conversations? Our world conversation is currently an echo chamber that reproduces the same narrow range of mostly male voices over and over. What is the cost to society when so many of our best minds and best ideas are left out? What could we accomplish if together we invested in our missing brain power?

The Women's Place (TWP) is committed to expanding the opportunities for women's growth, leadership and power and contributing to underrepresented voices being heard. To that end, TWP presents The OpEd Project 1.5 day workshop and one year of access to mentor-editors. The OpEd Project is an organization that works to change our world's conversation by empowering a wave of new voices to join important public conversations, to take their equal place as narrators of the world, ultimately altering the patterns of underrepresentation in the media. 

The OpEd Project Workshop will train underrepresented experts to take thought leadership positions in their fields (through op-eds and much more) and give participants access to OpEd's international network of high-level media mentors for one year. 

During the first day of the workshop (9 am - 4 pm), participants will explore the source of credibility and how to establish it; how to present ideas quickly and powerfully under pressure; the components of powerful, evidence-based argument; the difference between being “right” and being effective; and strategies for making a greater impact, including how to escape a pigeonhole, how to preach beyond the choir, and the value of seeing your argument as part of a bigger picture—and yourself as part of a larger public conversation.

On the second day (9 am - noon), the workshop includes exploratory games and conversations designed to expand the way participants think about their expertise, and help “translate” niche ideas (raised during the first day) into large themes. Participants will also discuss strategies for making people believe ideas are worth investing in.

Important details:

  • Space is very limited
  • Tuition is $250
  • Notifications of acceptance by early October

Apply to attend the workshop by 9/26/16.