Additional Publications
This guide for full professors and TIU chairs/directors provides a wide range of suggestions, gathered from people across campus and experts outside the university, on the issue of supporting promotion to full professor. Within individual tenure initiating units (TIUs), the faculty and the chair/director have a shared responsibility to support associate professors in preparing for promotion to full professor. Within this shared responsibility, there are specific actions that can be taken by full professors as a whole (the group that constitutes the eligible faculty for voting in promotion cases), by the promotion and tenure committee and its chair, and by the chair/director. This guide highlights many of these suggestions as best practices for each of these groups.
Moving Forward in Your Faculty Career
This promotion guide for associate professors provides ideas about how to move forward from associate to full professor. The information came from the observations and experiences of faculty, university wide, as well as other experts outside the university. The suggestions presented in this brochure are a collection of ideas to consider as you prepare to move to the next level in your faculty career.