Critical Difference - Grants & Scholarships

Critical Difference (CD) is a scholarship/grant-offering program administered by The Women's Place for employees and students seeking advanced education and enhanced professional lives at Ohio State. CD reflects the university's commitment to generate support for the specific needs of individuals who seek to realize their goals and dreams, both personally and professionally.
Photo of Jill Bartollata

Critical Difference (originally named Critical Difference for Women) was developed in 1986 to identify and fund the needs of women seeking advanced education and enhanced professional lives within all institutional levels and disciplines. Since then, CD has blossomed into a remarkable scholarship and grant program for Ohio State staff, faculty and students comprised of three funds.

Professional Development Grants

For staff and faculty who have been continuously employed at Ohio State for at least one year; sophomore level and above full-time undergraduate students; and full-time graduate/professional students to help facilitate professional development and career mobility. Grants up to $1,500 will be awarded for professional development conferences and workshops, equipment, research activities, certifications, etc.

Research on Women Grants

Grants for faculty (tenure-track, clinical/teaching/practice, research and associated) and PhD candidates/terminal master's degree students of all genders to support research that explores women's lives, gender equity, and gender broadly conceptualized.

Re-entry Scholarships

Scholarships for students who have interrupted their education due to unforeseen obstacles such as family responsibilities or financial constraints and who are seeking undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. 

Professional Development Grants

Research on Women Grants

Re-entry Scholarships