Strategic Goals
First and foremost, our goal is to catalyze systemic change.
We apply a critical gender analysis of policies and practices to identify barriers to recruitment, retention and advancement of women and actively lead change efforts.
First and foremost, our goal is to catalyze systemic change.
We apply a critical gender analysis of policies and practices to identify barriers to recruitment, retention and advancement of women and actively lead change efforts.
We work in partnership with units across the campus — not to solve problems for these units, but to help them identify and remove barriers to the recruitment, retention and advancement of women. Utilizing current research and data, we make recommendations and will intervene when necessary.
Through collaborative decision-making approaches, we serve as a model to other units on campus; these approaches emphasize open, democratic and respectful ways of working together that foster true dialogue and mutual understanding. We are a safe haven for individuals and units to seek resources for identifying problems and finding constructive solutions.
We are focused on the future and informed by the past.