Young Professionals Network Employee Resource Group Mentorship Program
This fall the Ohio State University Young Professionals Employee Resource Group (OSUYPN ERG) is launching its inaugural Staff Mentorship Program, welcoming approximately 35 young professional staff members into its first mentee cohort. The program runs from September 2021 – May 2022. To make this program a success, mentors are needed.
OSUYPN is looking for seasoned Ohio State staff members to serve as mentors. Each mentor will be paired with two-three professional mentees. Groups will be asked to meet at least once a month – the when, where, and how is up to each group to decide. The program is informal and highly customizable to the needs of each group.
Each month, groups will get an email with a curated list of resources that correspond to a specific professional development theme. Groups can use these lists of articles, podcasts, videos, online courses, discussion topics, etc., to generate discussion at their monthly meetings. How groups interact with the resources is completely up to them to decide.
Mentees will also receive the opportunity to attend professional development events hosted by Human Resources Talent and Development, as well as other campus partners.
The only mandatory pieces of the program for both mentors and mentees are:
- Committing to meeting as a group at least monthly
- Attending our Fall kick-off/training hosted by OHR Talent and Development
- Mentor training: Tuesday, Sept. 14 2021 from 3 – 4 p.m. (via Zoom)
- Attending our mid-year check-in hosted by OHR Talent and Development
- Mentors and mentees: Monday, Dec. 20 from 11 a.m. – Noon (via Zoom)
Any mid- to senior-level staff member with at least a 0.75 FTE not currently on a performance improvement plan is eligible to serve as a mentor. Apply by 8/6, and OSUYPN will notify you either way.