Why Us? Human Trafficking Awareness Month donation drive

The whole month of January 2019 Why Us? Campaign will be having a donation drive for Human Trafficking Awareness Month.


Why Us? Campaign donation drive graphic

Why Us? Campaign is requesting donations of

  • hygiene items:
    • deodorant
    • toothbrushes
    • toothpaste
    • bath and shaving products
    • menstrual products
    • lotion
    • shampoo
    • baby powder
    • etc.
  • food items:
    • canned goods
    • peanut butter
    • granola bars
    • chips
    • crackers
    • pudding
    • jello
    • juice
    • cereal
    • dry fruits
    • etc

Please do not donate oatmeal or ramen noodles as these have to be microwaved. Drop off items in the Hale Hall lobby, 154 W 12th Ave, Columbus campus.

Email whyuscampaign@gmail.com for more information.