New advocates prepared to build network of Allies
A new cohort of male Advocates attended orientation on May 4-5 and is prepared to begin leading Ally facilitations for the Advocates & Allies for Equity initiative. This program is designed to bring men further into gender equity efforts by building a cross-campus network of male Allies. Allies share an understanding of the effects of implicit bias and systematic privilege and learn specific practical actions to help them better support women and other underrepresented groups at the university.
The new Advocates are: Michael Bisesi, Thomas Blincoe, William Buoni, Sam Craighead, John Davidson, Richard Fletcher, Robert Griffiths, Tracy Kitchel, Jesse Kwiek, Richard Martin, Aleix Martinez, Tom Mauger, Leon McDougle, William Miller, Randy Nelson, R. Scott Osborne, Jeffrey Parvin, Tim Pawlik, Tom Ryan, Cesar Seguil, Theodoros Teknos and David Wilkie.
Learn more about the Advocates.