Ohio State faculty add "Lauren's Promise" to syllabi
Almost a year ago Jill McCluskey, former president of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association and director and regents professor at Washington State University (WSU), lost her 21-year-old daughter to relationship violence on the University of Utah campus. Despite having reported her concerns to campus and city authorities on many occasions, the university failed to protect Lauren. Details about Lauren’s story were published in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
In a recent Tweet, Dr. McCluskey highlighted efforts at WSU to have faculty put "Lauren’s Promise" on their syllabi, effectively pointing students to resources available on campus for sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence and stalking.
In light of Lauren’s case, and recent events at various universities, faculty want to do everything they can to ensure that their students are safe on campus and know about the resources available to them. To that end, a group of Ohio State faculty are including the statement below on their syllabi and encourage others to do the same.
Lauren’s Promise: I will listen and believe you if someone is threatening you
Lauren McCluskey, a 21-year-old honors student athlete, was murdered on Oct. 22, 2018, by a man she briefly dated on the University of Utah Campus. We must all take actions to ensure this never happens again.
Any form of sexual harassment or violence will not be excused or tolerated at The Ohio State University.
In cases of sexual harassment or violence, Ohio State will:
- Respond promptly and effectively to sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking,
- Provide interim measures as necessary
- Provide confidential and non-confidential support resources,
- Conduct a thorough, reliable, and impartial investigation,
- Provide remedies as necessary.
If you are experiencing sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking, you can take the following actions:
- If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
- Report it to me, and I will connect you to resources.
- Seek confidential sources of support and help:
- Counseling and Consultation Service Available 24/7 through the Office of Student Life, ccs.osu.edu, 614-292-5766
- Medical services through the Office of Student Life Wilce Student Health Center, shs.osu.edu, 614-292-4321
- Legal services through Student Legal Services, Studentlegal.osu.edu, 614.292-5853
OSU’s Office of Institutional Equity has established procedures and resources for Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention.