
Guided by our vision to be a 21st century leader in equity and advancement of all women in higher education, we work to catalyze change at Ohio State. We focus on the areas of policy, culture, leadership and reporting the status of women.

Today, we continue to build upon our four areas of focus

1 Policy

The Women's Place advocates policy changes that provide opportunities and address institutional barriers for women, for example:

  • Extension of the tenure clock for birth, adoption or other issues
  • Sexual harassment
  • Consensual sexual relationships
  • Search committee training

2 Culture Change

Implicit Bias and Privilege

We are NOT interested in changing or "fixing" women to make them fit the system better. We catalyze change in the system by bringing implicit bias awareness to all in the university community and by helping white male leaders understand and acknowledge their privilege to learn how they can become allies in diversity efforts.

Art of Hosting

The Women's Place works to catalyze change in the university climate by introducing the Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations to campus, sponsoring a series of training opportunities that have allowed several hundred faculty and staff members to learn this way of bringing equity of voice to decision-making processes.

3 Leadership

The Women's Place designs and facilitates leadership development programs for women faculty and staff. We also sponsor women to attend major off campus leadership institutes.

4 Status Report

The Women's Place produces a comprehensive report on the status of women at Ohio State. The purpose of the report is to evaluate progress towards increasing diversity and promoting equality for women at Ohio State.

Strategic Goals and Guiding Principles

Our mission

The Women’s Place mission is to serve as a catalyst for institutional change to expand opportunities for women's growth, leadership and power in an inclusive, supportive, and safe university environment consistent with the goals of the Academic and Diversity Plans.