5th Annual FORWARD Symposium and Reception: From Presence to Power

Event poster featuring an image of keynote speaker Melanie Ho with comic strips in the background for "Forward: From Presence to Power," hosted by The Women's Place at Ohio State. January 31, 2025, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., Virtual.
January 31, 2025
9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Virtual and the Faculty Club
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About this event

Cosponsored by Association of Staff and Faculty Women (ASFW)

Event includes:

Virtual Symposium including Keynote and Panels    
9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

In-person Reception    
4 - 6 p.m.    
Faculty Club

The Women’s Place and Association of Staff and Faculty Women (ASFW) invite you to join us for the 5th annual virtual FORWARD symposium, "FORWARD: From Presence to Power," and in-person reception.

Women have made strides into many male-dominated industries and now constitute the majority of degree-earners at almost every level. But women still are not greatly represented in leadership in most businesses and organizations. What are the remaining barriers? Attend this virtual symposium and in-person reception to learn how workplaces can better advance women into positions of influence and decision-making, shifting the gendered status quo.

This year’s symposium will feature keynote speaker Melanie Ho, an award-winning author, comic artist, and workshop facilitator. She blends 20 years of expertise in leadership of complex organizations with her perspective as an artist and multi-media storyteller.

Melanie speaks on a variety of topics, including organizational culture; women in leadership; diversity, equity, and inclusion; the future of education; and the use of creativity and the arts in business. She is especially passionate about inspiring reflection and action on gender and racial equity. Her debut book Beyond Leaning In: Gender Equity & What Organizations are Up Against received a silver medal in the 2022 Axiom Awards and has been acclaimed by Kirkus Reviews as “an engaging evolution of Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘Lean In’ mantra.”

Following the symposium, continue the conversation and enjoy refreshments at the FORWARD reception, 4-6 p.m. at The Faculty Club.

This free event is open to Ohio State faculty, staff, students and community partners of all genders. Save the date and revisit this page for more details on the two panels preceding the keynote.

If you have questions about accessibility or wish to request accommodations, please contact womensplace@osu.edu. Typically, a two-week notice will allow us to provide seamless access.


9:30 – 9:45 a.m.   
Occasion and Opening Remarks

Andreá Williams, The Women’s Place, The Ohio State University

9:45 – 10:55 a.m.   
Panel: Women in Sports, Media and STEM: Perspectives on Change and Power

Over 50 years ago, Title IX policies aimed to provide equal opportunities for women in education, including sports. Similarly, other fields created initiatives to support the advancement of women and other historically excluded groups. But now many of those initiatives and programs are under scrutiny. What have we achieved through 50 years of struggle and what do we stand to lose? 


  • What’s exciting about progress for women in these fields
  • Creating pipelines of access to leadership
  • Addressing recruitment and retention for women, sexual minorities, etc. 
  • Barriers to the highest level of access and power


  • Meg Hancock, The Pipeline Project; Associate Professor, University of Louisville
  • Sirita Donaldson, Head of Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Finastra
  • Tema Staig, Executive Director of Women In Media

11 a.m. – Noon   
Panel: Leading from the Margins and the Middle

Having women better represented in senior leadership remains a goal. But even if you’re not in charge, you can still use your influence to lead from where you are. Learn how you can use your dollars, time and influence to shape decision-making towards a more inclusive culture.

Those in top leadership positions aren't the only ones who can exert pressure and influence in achieving a gender equitable future. Workers might be more impacted by the values and actions of the team around them than by the more distant VP or CEO. Given this, we will consider how power works throughout systems and where and how to intervene.


  • Elizabeth Holcombe, Senior Research Associate, Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California Rossier School of Education
  • Kelley Griesmer, President and CEO, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio
  • Lillian Morales, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, United Midwest Bank, and Executive Director, Empowering Latinas Leadership Academy (ELLA)

Noon – 12:55 p.m.  
Keynote Address

Moderator: Andreá Williams, The Women’s Place, The Ohio State University  
Guest speaker: Melanie Ho, award-winning author, comic artist, and workshop facilitator

12:55 – 1 p.m.  
Closing symposium comments from Andreá Williams

4 – 6 p.m.  
Location: Faculty Club, 181 S Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210

Continue the conversations started during the symposium and enjoy refreshments and/or network with colleagues at the FORWARD reception. Table discussions on the following topics will be available:

  • Leading from the Middle 
  • Creative Approaches to Culture Change
  • Navigating Spaces When You’re the “Only”