Forward: Creating Feminist Futures

Event graphic with photo of Keynote Rebecca Traister
October 22, 2020
9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

About this event

Join us for a virtual one-day symposium in honor of the centennial of the 19th Amendment that extended women’s voting rights and the 20th anniversary of The Women’s Place (2000-2020), an office at The Ohio State University that promotes gender equity in higher education.

Bringing together the resonance of these two occasions, this virtual symposium highlights how feminist advocacy and gender analysis can help address local and national problems of inequality. Conversations and interactive workshops will cover topics such as health policy, teaching and education, leadership, and women’s political participation.

The noon keynote speaker will be Rebecca Traister, author of Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger. Traister writes about women in politics, media and entertainment.

This free event is open to Ohio State faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners of all genders. Move the needle forward with us on gender inequities by using #TWPForward. Register to join individual sessions or tune in all day.


9:30 – 10am
Occasion and Opening Remarks

10 – 10:50am
“Women and Wellness: Health, Policy, and Care”

COVID-19 has been only the latest issue to expose inequities in health care access and outcomes. This session considers how women’s physical and mental health and wellness can be a more central focus in the future of health care.

Moderator: Njeri Kagotho, College of Social Work, The Ohio State University

Shannon Ginther, Ohio Health and Chair of the Columbus Women’s Commission

Karen Patricia Williams, Martha S. Pitzer Center for Women, Children and Youth, The Ohio State University

Tasleem Padamsee, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University

10:50 – 11am

11 – 11:50am
“Promoting Equity for Women of Color”

How can women of color gain stronger representation and protections under the law? Learn more about why this year’s election matters in promoting women’s rights, including greater equity for women of color.

Moderator: Tiyi Morris, African American and African Studies, The Ohio State University, Newark Campus

Amna Akbar, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University

Christina Bejarano, History & Political Science, Texas Woman’s University

Beth Castle, Warrior Women Project

11:50 – 12:00

12:00 – 1:00
Keynote: Rebecca Traister

Traister, writer at large for New York magazine, writes about women in politics, media, and entertainment. A National Magazine Award winner, she has also contributed to The Nation, New York Times, and the Washington Post. She is the author of three books, including Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger (2018).

1 – 1:15pm

1:15 – 2:15pm
Concurrent sessions

Attendees may register to attend one of the following interactive breakout sessions.

#1 – Raising Our Voices: Writing for Public Audiences

News, media, and public thought benefit from having a range of diverse voices represented. How can you share your expertise or research interests with broader audiences to influence meaningful change? In this session, attendees will learn how to translate their ideas into informative and persuasive writing for newspapers, magazines, blogs and social media.

Janell Hobson, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Albany, SUNY

Jasmine Roberts, School of Communication, The Ohio State University

#2 – Getting Involved in Local Politics and Activism

Being a registered, active voter is only part of the work of promoting equity for women. Join local government and civic representatives to find out how to get your start in politics and community advocacy.

Shayla Favor, Columbus City Council

Tina D. Pierce, Columbus City Schools

#3 – Leading Change Wherever You Are: Strategies for Women Leaders

Not everyone who is a leader has a title or formal role in an organization. Leaders can take the initiative to inspire a positive future through their everyday lives. This session offers attendees practical tips for leading progressive change at school, work or in social organizations. Speakers will highlight skills such as effective communication, negotiation, problem-solving and building alliances.

Kristen Cole, James Cancer Center, The Ohio State University

Angela Fitzpatrick, Eberly Center for Women, University of Toledo

#4 – Making Learning More Equitable: Education for a Feminist Future

While women students constitute the numerical majority in many colleges and universities, women’s intellectual contributions still risk being underrated. This session shares ideas for instructors and students to make learning a more empowering and equitable process through class discussions and course materials.

Wendy Hesford, Department of English, The Ohio State University

Ayesha Hardison, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies and English, University of Kansas

2:15 – 3pm
Closing session: “Forward”

Plan to take action by reflecting on the wisdom and strategies shared during the day’s sessions.

Moderator: Rachel Bowen, The Women’s Place, The Ohio State University


New York Times best-selling author